Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Ever wanted something so bad that it hurts?

"There is a day that you get into Lifevantage - 
but nothing happens until the day Lifevantage gets into you."

First know that I will always share the most honest part of me I can. What I know to be true more than anything else in Lifevantage, when I help enough other people get to where they want to be in life, then, and ONLY then can get to where I want to be.

… thank you for the honor of reading my thoughts and I HOPE that they resonate with you and create an awareness helping you to have incredible success with Lifevantage ..

Ever wanted something so bad that it hurts?

I know, you know, what I am taking about….

What have you wanted so bad that it literally tortured you inside to the point that your stomach hurt, you can’t sleep, your mind is consumed with whatever it is; you hold your head, squeezing it, trying to rid your brain of this thought, this dream, this thing in your soul that has you tormented.

Fundamentally, it is a misalignment between us and the very thing that tortures us.

I was talking with Clinton Boyles today about how my life has been such a clusterconundrum (skiptionary) and how it seems that Lifevantage is always a moment ahead of me. It seems like I run to it, then it runs a little quicker than me. I catch LV, and then tragedy happens. I catch LV again, and then a family member passes. I catch LV once more, then my boy gets sick…I catch it and…know what I mean?

I can’t taste it, smell it and feeeellll the stage and Pro 7, ya know?

Ever wanted something so bad that it hurts? Me, too.

I always wondered the meaning of my life … soon, very soon, I will be on the stage sharing what my meaning of life is with 5k people at the next Convention. I see it in my mind and have shared my thank yous with tears in my eyes many times...I feel like I am here to create HOPE for others with Lifevantage, but first, for me….

Do you know that after a divorce, after my son’s cancer twice, after loss of a gym, lost friends, after losing $300k, after a devastating car accident, after all of this, Lifevantage and Lifevantage family members stood there strong with unconditional acceptance of me?

Lifevantage doesn’t care about my age, my background my education, my history – Lifevantage only cares about how much I care for others. And WHEN I care enough for others, Lifevantage will reward me handsomely for the remainder of not only my life, but for generations beyond me. I understand that now Tony. Thank you my friend.

What does Lifevantage mean to me?

January 10th, 2012 I am hosting an opportunity seminar in Dixon, California 7 months ago and we have the absolute honor of Skip and Jill Campbell as our “guest” speakers. They had just ridden their motorbikes through most of the country and were passing through our “RED”neck of the woods.

During my talk about what Lifevantage means to me and why I became involved, I shared the recent story of my son, Austin, relapsing with cancer – it was probably 2 weeks post learning about his relapse and I was NOT in a good place mentally.

But here I was again: Ever wanted something so bad that it hurts?
Hell, yes!

I jokingly shared the gas costs, the toll cost, medicine etc…I was doing all I could to try and lighten the room the best I could and not fall apart in the process.

I sit down to watch the ABC and at its completion, I am presented with a a black Raider hat with money inside.

I am told the group of 150 people, most of whom I don't know, they have passed the hat around the room during the 9 minute Primetime video and this was for me and my son.

Tears fill me eyes....

“So humbled, y’all, but I can’t..Thank you.” I am told “You can’t not, Patrick. We love you and are here for you.”

Look, I know that this thing Lifevantage can be tough at times … Freakin BELIVE me, I know..

We are a family; Lifevantage family. The best people I know are in this company. I have never been in a situation where so many people cared for me in the same moment, at the same time.

Lifevantage is a blessing.

I LOVE Lifevantage with all that is in my soul;

I am making it work. 

You are making it work.  

Together, we are making it work.

I am here for all of you to help however I can…whatever that means to you – and I know that you are there for me.

Remember this: Ever wanted something so bad that it hurts?

It doesn't have to anymore :)

Together, making a difference around the world,

p.s. my son, just today had a check up at Oakland Kaiser Pediatric Oncology…they say they couldn’t be more pleased with his progress. He is the only one of many doing this well…

Bless us all and bless you all..


  1. Replies
    1. Gene, thank you. Quite the compliment.

    2. Such passion Patrick! I've been through your life with you, I've watched you grow, I've seen how many times you've been kicked in your tummy, yet you want something SO BAD that you jump up and start all over again. There is no doubt in my mind that you are on your way to big success, and I'm so proud for the compassion you have shared with so many people. Never give up!

  2. We will see you on stage on EA10 in Vegas!

  3. God bless you for all you have been through and all you continue to do!

  4. What an amazing story! I am tearing up just reading it and I am a new member to the lv family and I have witnesses some of the caring people who are in this business and this only confirms my feelings towards this opportunity. We are all in an amazing place at the perfect time.. and I do believe that we are here not just to help ourselves but to spread around this awesome gift that has been given to us by God and make this world a better place than the previous one before this product and company came along. I am once again moved to tears thinking of your story and wish you all the happiness in the world and success beyond your wildest dreams so that you can pass it along too. And as a fellow lv dist I believe that your heart is there also that is what ties us together. We can offer help in whatever way we are able because we care and have "Godstuff". Congratulations on your victories past, currently with your son and the ones yet to come! Happy health to you and yours:)

    1. This is beautiful. THank you for taking the time to share this with me. Welcome to Lifevantage. If you ever need anything, please ask :)
