Thursday, September 27, 2012

Upper Limit Problem

I am reading an amazing book, “The Big Leap” suggested to us at our Premier School by the Satterfield’s. For me, I dropped out of school in the 9th grade, so books have been my way of learning everything I missed in high school. I graduated high school; however, most everything I know is from hundreds of books I have read.

Upper Limit Problem
In this book, the author talks about our “Upper Limit” and how we unknowingly sabotage our own success from past conditions we have placed on ourselves.

Upper Limit Problem

I jokingly share my time with Lifevantage has been years and years, truth is I have been in for over 2 years. I have been so close to the Pro 5 rank, 6 times actually with one month right at $19k. The author talks about our sabotage to success once we get into a place that creates unknown guilt, or shame or lack of understanding.

For me, this makes so much sense and I know now what my Upper Limit Problem was - I know that beyond Pro 5, there is a Summit we are invited too. At Pro 5 and beyond, we really start to travel and take “travel” ownership of our business. We support ourselves and our teams’ locally until it grows outward and that’s what we want.

Each time I got close to Pro 5, it would trigger my Upper Limit Problem like this: I was close to Pro 5 after my 5th month in the company. As well as Lifevantage was going, I had neglected my gym and our memberships were down. My parents invested $200k into our gym and so as I was gaining success with Lifevantage, and the gym was seeing less success, I remember like it was yesterday, calling my Dad to tell him how well LV was coming along and he said, “Patrick, I hope you are not taking your eyes of the gym.” Immediate guilt drenched me, covered me like a trench coat. He was right; I had taken my eye of the gym, so I quickly changed my focus back to the gym and off of Lifevantage. Quick lesson:


Probably 2-3 other times are about my guilt in leaving my son, Austin. He is 9 and has been successfully managing leukemia for 7 years. “How can I leave my son? How f’n selfish of you, Patrick, to even considering leaving town when your son at any moment could be back in the hospital. What would you do if you were out of town and something happened?” Truth stands, I would never have forgiven myself.

So now, I have changed the way I look at it. Although my folks are out quite a sum of money, I can pay that back QUICKLY with Lifevantage, yes? Hell, yes I am.

Do you have an Upper Limit Problem?

And for my son, how amazing is it that when he is “released” back into the wild around January, I wil have ALL THE TIME, money and recources to spend with him and his little brother, Hayden - I no longer have an "Upper Limit Problem.”

To the Satterfield’s, you have blessed me with awareness around a book that has allowed me to grow more as a man and leader, thank you - and isn’t that what life is? Growth?

If You're Not Growing, You're Dying
Colossians 1:3-12
How about you? Do you have an Upper Limit Problem? Are you holding yourself back from your best life without even knowing it?

I HIGHLY encourage you to read this book, “The Big Leap.”

Making a difference around the world,

p.s. The doctors said yesterday, Austin is coming along so beautifully and they couldn’t be more pleased!

Upper Limit Problem


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