Monday, September 10, 2012

“Why” Lifevantage

“Why” Lifevantage

It is said that anything desired that is of GREAT significance needs a strong “WHY” to absolute along with GREATER sacrifice.

Your WHY is the foundation to a thing to do that will set you free somewhere, somehow in your life.
"Why" Lifevantage
With Lifevantage, that special, unique only to you WHY will give you whatever it is that you desire…what a blessing Lifevantage is to us.

Here is where the rubber meets the road I believe:

To get to your WHY, you must get beyond your WHY NOT
A good man and friend Clinton Boyles told this to me as I bitched and complained about how life was kicking my ass. “Patrick, life will do all it can to take this gift of Lifevantage from you…are you going to let it.” Gotta love Elite's...they have been there and done that. They are proof we can, too.
If you want something, GO get it PERIOD!

If you are not where you want to be in Lifevantage, first and foremost, “take responsibility of it, own that our rank is ours, our paycheck is ours” – Skip Campbell Elite Academy 2

And our opportunity to change all of this is also ours

What we think about in life, we bring about. If we have thoughts of fear towards rejection, we will fail. If we have thoughts that we are always broke, we will be broke. We can’t bring about something different in our lives without first it being a BELIEF.

"Why" Lifevantage

Network Marketing is a unique BEAST, I know – With Network Marketing, I have certainly met my match.

“Why” Lifevantage

When we stroke up the BELIEF that Lifevantage is working for us, keep EXCUSES out of our mouth, line all of this up with a WHY that is tied STRONGLY to our HEART – we create the consciousness needed to be UNSTOPPABLE.

Look, and understand, as I sit here at my kitchen table with my mind moving so fast that my fingers can’t keep up, I am not only sharing this information for your benefit, I am sharing first for ME.
"Why" LifevantageI have been in Lifevantage for almost 3 years. I earned Pro4 rank is less than 6 months and today am blessed and humbly a Pro4. I realize what a Premier rank means today where before, I was ashamed of my Pro 4 rank…”what will people think of me still a Pro4?”

But you know, “It is none of our business what others think about us.”

I thought this was the easiest damn thing I had ever done, Lifevantage, so I took my foot off the gas, took it for granted…Certainly not the best choice.

After my Lifevantage business had fallen completely apart and I started to gain headway again, I was in a car accident that sidelined me for months. I got going again and I lost my gym business. I got going again and my son relapsed. Again, and again, and again…sound familiar?
Here is the truth: 85% of us have the same basic story…Here is the other truth:

It is just SO WHAT?

What are we going to do different for a different result?

We have a WHY…what is it? Share it with us now if you like.

“Why” Lifevantage

Is it so strong that you eyes weal with tears of love?

Does your body vibrate with love when you think about it?

Here is what I suggest to help you find your WHY: Create a “gratitude” list. Write down everything you are thankful for. This is a WHY starter list. Comb through it. Close your eyes on every line item, well after you read it :) How does it make you feel? Does it choke you up? Make your heart skip a beat?

Do this until you have found your “why” or “why’s” .. Your “Why” Lifevantage

Making a difference around the world...


My Why(s):
1. To make my boy's proud of their Daddy beyond measure
2. Eliminate money worry once and for all
3. My prosperity and wealth creates prosperity and wealth for others

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