Tuesday, September 18, 2012

GREEN - Speak THEIR language and Increase your LV business!

GREEN - Speak THEIR language and Increase your LV business!


Speak THEIR language and Increase your business!

This information comes form "Big Al's" CD, "personality colors"

Today we talk about the 3rd of 4 personality types coded in colors.


GREEN is today’s personality color





This teaching has been around for 2,500 years. Luckily, I stumbled upon it during a search for personality types.


My goal was to figure out how I could communicate my business opportunities to others more effectively.


I know we have great products and services with Lifevantage, but I also knew I wasn’t conveying their value as well as I could…


Connect better with people, speak THEIR language, understand their needs, get more sales.


Pretty basic, yes?


On your piece if paper with YELLOW and BLUE, write GREEN in the bottom left quadrant.  GREEN personalities comprise 35% of the population!


Blue’s Motto: Let's Get the FACTS and FIGURES!
Occupation: Accountant, Engineer, Researcher

Voice: Soft and Polite


Say you are talking with someone and they are a GREEN personality. This person loves to research and analyze everything. They are the ones who are ready with a peer reviewed published study from Ohio State that has been bind, HD colored, they are in triplicate AND in all languages applicable to our business. They love to research, research and then research. If you need the compensation plan explained in detail, get a GREEEN!

They are the team organizers. They organize our meetings, our folders with EVERY peer review study, the compensation plan and the policies and procedures, again, in triplicate and all languages necessary. The are the best at follow through on projects and are the strongest network marketer out there, IF you can connect this into our business. GREENS DON'T know the work QUIT! They may take 6 months to come aboard after reviewing every fact multiple times, sending all their research out to be researched by other GREENS; but when they come on, they are LOYAL. 

GREENS are much too over analytical and will drive us all crazy with how long they take to make ANY decisions. They are hard to please, can be depressed and lonely often.  


GREENS are the BEST at being a TEAM ORGANIZER.
They are ultra loyal and committed to our business. 


Let’s suppose you are presenting to a GREEN our LV business opportunity and you start to tell them about the how much money they can make; or how much fun they are going to have. How we get to travel, meet new people and when the time is right, they will get to be on stage and share their story. You tell them that the time to join is now because the money is great and we get to help so many other people!

How do you think the GREEN , whose main goal is life is to research, how will they respond to this? Here is an example of what the GREEN personality just heard:



It sounded just like that.

To get a GREEN involved in our business, which is 35%% of our population and AWESOME at building teams and supporting the vision, it needs to sound more like this:

Okay, GREEN, join my company and you can be our main source of research for our products. You can be in charge of organizing our meetings and sharing the compensation plan to the team.  By becoming an income partner with us, you will be able to teach others how to understand the compensation plan, the ingredients in Protandim, SOD, CAT and the policies and procedures. Our team needs someone who is organized; a researcher to teach us. By being on our team you will be able to not only research and teach about the policies of Lifevantage, you can create graphs, charts and share them with the team.

Just by talking the GREEN language, you increase your sales chance by 50%! Let’s say you meet one person a day for the next 365 days and half of them understand your opportunity because you are talking their language…great odds, yes? Then mix that with the 1 Minute Presentation and we are onto something very special here.

Watch not only your business grow, but your relationships in ALL your life improve when you learn how to speak to someone in their language.

Here is to helping others around the world have more family time…


p.s. thank you for the 4 hour detailed compensation plan summary GREEN

p.s.s please like and share with many

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