Lifevantage “1 Minute Presentation“
What if I told you that I am going to share with you a presentation that will allow you to present to 10 of 10 people all the time? I have been using this for a short time and have had fantastic results.

Let’s say you are at work and you want to share Lifevantage but haven’t got 20 minutes or a 3rd party to validate. How about when you are on line at the store and strike up a conversation with the person behind you?
Lifevantage “1 Minute Presentation“
This is what we say to everyone we come in contact with:
You: I have a business opportunity I would like to share with you and can give you a complete presentation, but it would take and entire minute. When could you set aside a whole minute?
Prospect: Well, I have a minute right now. (They want to get it over with, yes?) (Maybe they are curious. They have a minute and can keep their sales shield up for a whole minute.)
All we need to do is give them enough facts to make an intelligent decision. All people need is 3 questions answered to make an intelligent decision of whether to buy or not or maybe have a question or 2.
After 7 months of interviewing people, the author of this CD, "Big Al" came up with these 3 questions:
- What kind of business are you in?
- How much money can I make?
- What do I have to do to earn that money?
Here is the Lifevantage “1 Minute Presentation“
If you would like to be able to earn an additional $1k a month you need to do the following 3 things.
- DON’T CHANGE. Continue recommending and promoting things like you always have; like your favorite movie, favorite restaurant, and favorite football team. Just DON’T CHANGE.
- We are in the Anti-aging business. We are the exclusive providers of a supplement that slows down aging and it’s validated through multiple science studies. We are much cheaper than traditional ways used to fight aging and its only 1 pill a day. (You can say whatever you like for #2)
- All you have to do is find 2 people who see what you see and want to earn extra income and 3 people to use our product monthly. And then you would earn an extra $1k a month. After a year of using this skill successfully, AND DUPICATING it with your income partners, you could be earning over $10k a month.
Then simply ask….”what do you think?” Or” Could you see yourself involved with us?” Or…whatever the helk you want to say.
The Lifevantage “1 Minute Presentation“ ... Easy or What?!
If your time is super limited, and you can't go through the Proven Plan, THIS WORKS!
Did we say what kind of business we are in? YES
How much money we can make? YES
What they have to do to earn that money? YES
They now have enough FACTS to make an intelligent decision.
This training will absolutely change your life … It is time to take Lifevantage by the horns and WIN damn it!
Making a difference around the world...
p.s. Please share and like :)
Thanks Patrick! It's always great to hear about others successes and even greater when they share them so others can succeed as well! That's the difference with LifeVantage!
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome! I am looking to get better, too, and we need each other to make that happen!!
ReplyDeletei was into drugs and partying too.. thanks God ... Jesus came into my life and set me free... now lv is making me finacially free... :) have a great day!!
ReplyDeleteSo after a month of using the 1 Minute Presentation: 1 Truescience bottle, 3 Protandim bottles and 1 Distributor in the books! Also was able to present 17 times and have 6 interested in the business!