30 People Will Come…
Think about this:
The ELITE Distributors have shared with us that each of them have averaged anywhere from 25-36 personal enrolled Vantage Packs to earn their current ranking, from what I have heard. To earn Elite status, we need around 25-35 personally enrolled Vantage Packs. Of course training the “skill” set on how to own a business, a network marketed business is another key component; but really, all we need is 30’ish people to become an Elite Distributor?
Let’s stop for a second and think about this. The pinnacle, the top shelf, the “lifestyle” we all are ambitiously driving for is only 30 people away? Really? ONLY 30??

I am a pretty deep thinker at times, and remember asking Jason Domingo what it “felt” like to be a Pro 10. “Patrick, Pro 10 isn’t a feeling, it is an attitude. When we put together the Pro ranks, they were anecdotal to me. I was always a Pro 10; nothing less ever crossed my mind. Patrick, you have been given a gift wrapped in a Lifevantage paper. The question now is what are you going to do with it? ”
Truth is I have been bullshitting and placating using life as an excuse for failing. However, without that part of my journey, I wouldn’t have it to share with you today. So although my bank account would have appreciated this enlightenment earlier, as would the gray hairs on my chiny, chin, chin, Jason shared this with me over a year ago - I feel blessed to be able to not only receive his wisdom now, but to now share it with you is what really matters most..
30 People Will Come…
NO! Neither of those are an option.
Take these words of wisdom. They come from pain and loss and are offered in gratitude and love for your success.
We can be whatever we want to be. We can have whatever we want to have. We can live however we want to live. Are you living the life you want? Are you surrounded by everything that makes you happiest in this world?
30 People Will Come…
The MAGIC number is 30. We are looking for 30 people to say YES!
30 People Will Come…
I am on stage right now, thanking all of you for the support given to help my team earn Pro 7. Today I went to Wal-Mart and purchased 30 leaflet binders for my 30 vantage pack distributors. It has already happened, so that means I am behind and need to get my butt in gear!
People will come…People will come…ALLOW them to come…
Making an amazing difference around the world..
p.s. The more we say love, the more we receive LOVE :)
p.s.s Love you all
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