Saturday, September 29, 2012

Do you Believe?

Do you Believe?

Do you have a strong enough belief system?

Do you believe that more is out there for you? Are you achieving what you want in life? Are you achieving the goals you set for yourself when you were a kid? When we are young, we are not yet tainted by society on a daily basis. We are told we can’t, please don’t, I wouldn’t try that, but as kids:

"We push and challenge because we believe that

whatever is on the other side is worth the consequence"


If you are not achieving every goal you have, why not? What is holding you back and why the hell are you allowing it to?

We are meant to be creative creatures pressure the process and looking for different, better ways.

What have you wanted to always do that you haven’t? And why haven’t you? Do you believe you will fail? Do you think you are not smart enough, strong enough or good enough?


A simple word that means so much; without it, we have no hope, no thought of a better future, better life, and better circumstances for our family.

If I told you that you could do anything you heart desired, would you believe me?

If I said the world is full of heroes that look like me and you – would you believe me then?
Do you Believe?
be·lieve// (b-l v )
v. be·lieved, be·liev·ing, be·

1. To accept as true or real: Do you believe the news stories?

2. To credit with veracity: I believe you.

3. To expect or suppose; think: I believe they will arrive shortly.

(Free Online Dictionary)

1. To have firm faith, especially religious faith.

2. To have faith, confidence, or trust: I believe in your ability to solve the problem.

3. To have confidence in the truth or value of something: We believe in free speech.

4. To have an opinion; think: They have already left, I believe.

It is to have faith, confidence, expect and accept as true or real. What we want is already out there for us. The life you dreamt of as a child is waiting for you to BELIEVE in it and line up. When the S*** hits the fan do you run or do you stay?

Are you not venturing into a project that you are passion about because of doubt? Do you not ask out the girl of your dreams because she may say no?


Why is it holding you back?

Life is meant to be beautiful and amazing; not a daily grind and struggle. BELIEVE there is more out there for you and go get you some of it.

A simple word that means so much is at your finger tips. It’s free and always available in your mind.

No one who ever did anything great in the world didn’t believe first that they could. They may not know the how to do it; the how is shown to us after we believe...

Do you Believe me now?

Making a difference around the world,

p.s. thanks for reading…
p.s.s please like this and share with your friends :)

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