Tuesday, December 18, 2012

They were WRONG!

Today, more than ever, I attracted this video into my experience. Some days I allow so much negativity around me to influence how I think that videos like this are a blessing and ground me back to the humble, servant leader that is my true self... Enjoy :)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Do you know your outcome?

You took the action to become a Lifevantage distributor, now it’s time to deliver. What is your outcome? What does the finish line look like for you with Lifevantage? Do you know your outcome?

Some people are never realized in their own life…their dreams were never realized…

I just listened to Tony Robbins tell the story of Rocky. He had a chance to meet with Sylvester Stallone and got the story straight from the “horse’s mouth.” He said that he had heard many different versions, but wanted to hear it from Rocky himself.

Sly knew from an early age that he wanted to be in the movie business. Period. Not just TV, movies. It was a chance to not only have people escape, but also to inspire. His life was full of challenges and roadblocks...sound familiar?

When Sly was born, he was pulled out with the forceps and this is why he talked the way he did and looked the way he does.

He wasn't going to give in to anything; nothing would keep him from his dreams. Trying to be an actor, Sly was thrown out of 1500 agency offices because of how he talked and looked. They called him stupid because of how he spoke; told him he would never amount to anything as an actor and to go get a real job. Any of this sounding familiar?

Sly was so determined, he slept overnight in an agent’s office after not being seen the day before and this is how he got his first acting job. Are we willing to take these measures?

Sly was trying to gain more roles and couldn’t get anything because of his look and how he talked, out of the side of his mouth. At this point, he couldn’t afford to keep the heat on in his home; he was dead broke.

His wife wanted him to get a job and he wouldn’t. “Why wouldn’t you” Tony asked…

I knew if I did I would get seduced back and would lose my hunger. The only way I could do this is if it was my only choice; he had to burn all his bridges. Pretty soon he would be caught with the job and it would have taken away his hunger for the movies…His dream was kept alive by his HUNGER and he felt that was his only advantage.

At one point, he hawked his wife’s jewelry…he after that realized there is one thing you never do….hawk your wife’s jewelry.

We took the action with Lifevantage; it is time to deliver

At one point, Sly was offered $125k for his movie, Rocky. Of course he was so excited, but had one condition: he star in the movie. They laughed at him, and then was offered $250k to NOT star in his movie - to which he turned down, too.

Sylvester Stallone knew his outcome and wouldn’t compromise an inch on it. He was determined to make his dreams a reality…and boy has he.

The cost to produce Rocky was $1 million and it grossed over $20 million - he won best actor.
Know your outcome right now. You took the action to be with Lifevantage, now deliver baby!

The handsome man from Vacaville,


p.s…the dog in Rocky, Butkis, that is Sly’s real dog :)

p.s.s know your outcome

Friday, October 12, 2012

Hit your Critical Mass!

Tonight I was having dinner with a distributor of mine. We were chatting about the business of Lifevantage and what we had learned to this point. Believe me we had a lot to talk about! Lol

After an hour of chatting and sushi, I believe that what he learned to be most effective for him was the 3rd party validation. This distributor is a RED colored personality and as you know, RED’S are uncoachable, unteachable and uneverythingable. To hear him share that this is what he was learning now is fantastic. 3rd party validation is critical.

Hit your Critical Mass!

With 3rd party validation, what I have learned to work well with me is this: If I have 50% or more influence over someone, I don’t use a 3rd party validator; however, if I have less than 50% influence over someone going in, I know before I get there I had better have a 3rd party in place to support my presentation.

Hit your Critical Mass!
He also learned that growing from one meeting to the next is important. This all takes time to learn anyway and if you are stubborn and born from the corporate world like I was, like my distributor was then it takes longer. Of course, he learned from me, so I take responsibility for this part and know in the future I will make sure to make this a first training talking point.

For me, what I have learned to be most true is this:

Until I can get enough people what they want, then and only then can I get what I want.

It doesn't get any more real than this. I spent the majority of my Lifevantage life forcing, coercing, convinicing others to join our opportunity and by the sheer strength of my character, they would join, then do nothing and quit.

Hit your Critical Mass!

I would wonder all the time, “Why the hell do they not do this with us?” Today I know it is because I signed them up for me, for my money, my needs, my future house and Audi A7 - for me. I did all this for so long for me.

Do you know why it is tough to make a call to a friend or family member? Because we are afraid to be rejected for the most part. Do you also realize, in my humble opinion, this is because we are focused on us, our needs, our wants and our future and rankings up the Lifevantage ladder.

Hit your Critical Mass!

I hated, hated calling. I would be nervous, scared, the phone was like the fridge to my ear. I would hope they wouldn't answer as my heart pounded out of my chest, mouth dry from anxiety. Why? I was in it all for me. I was nervous because it was about me and my needs.

But now, now it is much different. Now when I call, it is all about them; how Lifevantage can support their life, improve their life, give them a competitive advantage in life. I no longer have fear, or trepidation; honestly, I can’t wait to call people now because I know that:

To get what I want, and I WANT A LOT, I must help enough others get what they want…

That simple…that easy.

So, do this for them and you will see your business flourish.

In the last month doing this, I have 2 distributors, 4 bottles of Protandim and 2 Truescience - also 8 people looking through our opportunity. This is momentum; I am at my CRITICAL MASS - so, Hit your Critical Mass, too -

What’s better now is the new distributors know that to get what they want they must help enough people get what they want…that simple.

The handsome one....

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Donny Osmond's Secret Formula to Staying Young...

Donny's Secret formula...."A company called Lifvantage, with a product called, Protandim."

Donny Osmond on Morning Blend Show

Donny's Secret Formula..."I have found something, DR. Phil that I think is the closest thing to the fountain of youth...it is called Protandim."

Donny Osmond on Dr. Phil

Here it is, Protandim, the most important supplement a human will ever USE. Read, review, research...and share with everyone you love.

Making a HUGE difference around the world...


The journey…

It isn’t often, hell it is rarer than a reptile with oxidative stress, that I find myself in vibrational confusion.

The journey...I spend more time than humanly possible in a grateful, thankful place in my heart and mind. I know that what we think about we bring about. That the better it gets, the better it gets. At the same time, the worse it gets the worse it gets. For a looooong time, I lived in pain and despair. That pain and despair brought ALL of its friends, loss, fear, concern, confusion, hurt, anger daily into my mind.

The journey…

Recently, a relationship I cared for deeply has been under duress and possibly ending. I think of all that I did, or could have done differently through that journey. Today, the man I am isn’t who I am in a moment; that man only a few moments ago, or yesterday, or a week ago is the compilation of my past thoughts and actions.

Funny how life will do what it can to take our focus off of all our dreams by allowing one of those dreams to go astray, yes? Does this happen to you?

So many times in the past when one important aspect of my life seemed to be “out of my control” I would allow all aspects to go to hell, including and especially Lifevantage.

Today I woke up grateful for that relationship and the beautiful impact it had on my life. I am thankful for the person that allowed me to be a part of their life and all I allowed myself to learn from them. I have all love and gratitude for that relationship and allow it to be whatever it will be. I will stay in line with my dreams, my goals and my life’s plan and know that at times, someone will move out of our lives to allow the right person in.

Relationships are about learning lessons. I learned mine and will use those lessons moving forward in the journey

What I have learned most to be true in all my years, as badly as I would like this to NOT be true, I cannot control others I can only control my reaction to others. Life lessons learned from my journey with Lifevantage. Ever try to get a distributor to do something? Anything? Laugh out loud…me too.

Today, with grace and elegance, I allow myself to love where I am, love where I am going and love where I have been. I love that I have so many great people around me that love me no matter the condition, because their hearts are for the goodness of me without condition or thought to themselves as is mine to them.

The journey..

What I am thinking, or pondering, or considering, or putting my focus on; that which I am giving my attention to is causing an emotional reaction within me and that reaction within me is my vibrational indicator.

I felt sad for a bit, and sad had not been a feeling I have felt in quite some time. But I know that feeling sad will bring more sad feelings to me. In fact, I was missing my boys and that made me sad for a few minutes; so thinking of this, what we think about we bring about. I choose to be happy and full of gratitude for all I have now and all I have coming to me.

Every lesson I allow to understand in my life brings me closer to the grand prize of all my dreams.

Remember we are on The journey...

Will we stumble along the way to our life’s ambitions? We might…it’s okay.

The question is will we allow life and all its walls to distract us, or worse yet, take this gift of life, Lifevantage from us?

Hell no :)
Thanks for reading

Making a difference around the world…
The handsome Patrick Moore

The journey…

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Life = Risk

What are you willing to risk, to achieve your greatest life ambitions?

Life = Risk

If you have never failed, you have never lived....


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Do you Believe?

Do you Believe?

Do you have a strong enough belief system?

Do you believe that more is out there for you? Are you achieving what you want in life? Are you achieving the goals you set for yourself when you were a kid? When we are young, we are not yet tainted by society on a daily basis. We are told we can’t, please don’t, I wouldn’t try that, but as kids:

"We push and challenge because we believe that

whatever is on the other side is worth the consequence"


If you are not achieving every goal you have, why not? What is holding you back and why the hell are you allowing it to?

We are meant to be creative creatures pressure the process and looking for different, better ways.

What have you wanted to always do that you haven’t? And why haven’t you? Do you believe you will fail? Do you think you are not smart enough, strong enough or good enough?


A simple word that means so much; without it, we have no hope, no thought of a better future, better life, and better circumstances for our family.

If I told you that you could do anything you heart desired, would you believe me?

If I said the world is full of heroes that look like me and you – would you believe me then?
Do you Believe?
be·lieve// (b-l v )
v. be·lieved, be·liev·ing, be·lievesv.tr.

1. To accept as true or real: Do you believe the news stories?

2. To credit with veracity: I believe you.

3. To expect or suppose; think: I believe they will arrive shortly.

(Free Online Dictionary)

1. To have firm faith, especially religious faith.

2. To have faith, confidence, or trust: I believe in your ability to solve the problem.

3. To have confidence in the truth or value of something: We believe in free speech.

4. To have an opinion; think: They have already left, I believe.

It is to have faith, confidence, expect and accept as true or real. What we want is already out there for us. The life you dreamt of as a child is waiting for you to BELIEVE in it and line up. When the S*** hits the fan do you run or do you stay?

Are you not venturing into a project that you are passion about because of doubt? Do you not ask out the girl of your dreams because she may say no?


Why is it holding you back?

Life is meant to be beautiful and amazing; not a daily grind and struggle. BELIEVE there is more out there for you and go get you some of it.

A simple word that means so much is at your finger tips. It’s free and always available in your mind.

No one who ever did anything great in the world didn’t believe first that they could. They may not know the how to do it; the how is shown to us after we believe...

Do you Believe me now?

Making a difference around the world,

p.s. thanks for reading…
p.s.s please like this and share with your friends :)

Friday, September 28, 2012

Decide What You Are Worth....

No need for words - Pro 10 Skip Campbell says it all, it less than a minute.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Upper Limit Problem

I am reading an amazing book, “The Big Leap” suggested to us at our Premier School by the Satterfield’s. For me, I dropped out of school in the 9th grade, so books have been my way of learning everything I missed in high school. I graduated high school; however, most everything I know is from hundreds of books I have read.

Upper Limit Problem
In this book, the author talks about our “Upper Limit” and how we unknowingly sabotage our own success from past conditions we have placed on ourselves.

Upper Limit Problem

I jokingly share my time with Lifevantage has been years and years, truth is I have been in for over 2 years. I have been so close to the Pro 5 rank, 6 times actually with one month right at $19k. The author talks about our sabotage to success once we get into a place that creates unknown guilt, or shame or lack of understanding.

For me, this makes so much sense and I know now what my Upper Limit Problem was - I know that beyond Pro 5, there is a Summit we are invited too. At Pro 5 and beyond, we really start to travel and take “travel” ownership of our business. We support ourselves and our teams’ locally until it grows outward and that’s what we want.

Each time I got close to Pro 5, it would trigger my Upper Limit Problem like this: I was close to Pro 5 after my 5th month in the company. As well as Lifevantage was going, I had neglected my gym and our memberships were down. My parents invested $200k into our gym and so as I was gaining success with Lifevantage, and the gym was seeing less success, I remember like it was yesterday, calling my Dad to tell him how well LV was coming along and he said, “Patrick, I hope you are not taking your eyes of the gym.” Immediate guilt drenched me, covered me like a trench coat. He was right; I had taken my eye of the gym, so I quickly changed my focus back to the gym and off of Lifevantage. Quick lesson:


Probably 2-3 other times are about my guilt in leaving my son, Austin. He is 9 and has been successfully managing leukemia for 7 years. “How can I leave my son? How f’n selfish of you, Patrick, to even considering leaving town when your son at any moment could be back in the hospital. What would you do if you were out of town and something happened?” Truth stands, I would never have forgiven myself.

So now, I have changed the way I look at it. Although my folks are out quite a sum of money, I can pay that back QUICKLY with Lifevantage, yes? Hell, yes I am.

Do you have an Upper Limit Problem?

And for my son, how amazing is it that when he is “released” back into the wild around January, I wil have ALL THE TIME, money and recources to spend with him and his little brother, Hayden - I no longer have an "Upper Limit Problem.”

To the Satterfield’s, you have blessed me with awareness around a book that has allowed me to grow more as a man and leader, thank you - and isn’t that what life is? Growth?

If You're Not Growing, You're Dying
Colossians 1:3-12
How about you? Do you have an Upper Limit Problem? Are you holding yourself back from your best life without even knowing it?

I HIGHLY encourage you to read this book, “The Big Leap.”

Making a difference around the world,

p.s. The doctors said yesterday, Austin is coming along so beautifully and they couldn’t be more pleased!

Upper Limit Problem


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Everyday, My Why

As a young man, I didn't see my father much. He is a good, strong man and I have every respect for him. He worked a lot; a lot, and I saw him at night only - I was raised by a babysitter for the most part in my younger years.  

When I had my boys, I wasn't going to be him; my Dad. Not because he wasn't a "good" Dad, because he wasn't around as he spent 12+ hours a day working for us. When I became a father, it was only then I understood why he worked so damn much and my love for him grew so much for it..

My son has been sick, so sick that it almost took his little life, twice - to not be a part of his life, as much as I can is just not an option. His mother and I are now divorced, so the importance of time together for me and Austin and Hayden is everything to me, everyday.

Lifevantage has created "TIME" for me and my boys that me and my Dad never had... 

What an incredible blessing of time that Lifevantage is giving to me and my boys. 

This scene from the movie, John Q, really depicts how I feel about my boys and I love every part of it...Denzel has made the choice to kill himself in order for his son to get the heart, his heart, he needs to live. This is his final conversation to his son...

ENJOY - and remember to live your WHY and FIGHT for your WHY EVERYDAY J


30 People Will Come…

30 People Will Come…


Think about this:

The ELITE Distributors have shared with us that each of them have averaged anywhere from 25-36 personal enrolled Vantage Packs to earn their current ranking, from what I have heard. To earn Elite status, we need around 25-35 personally enrolled Vantage Packs. Of course training the “skill” set on how to own a business, a network marketed business is another key component; but really, all we need is 30’ish people to become an Elite Distributor?

Let’s stop for a second and think about this. The pinnacle, the top shelf, the “lifestyle” we all are ambitiously driving for is only 30 people away? Really? ONLY 30??

30 People Will ComeLook, I have been in Lifevantage for about 37 years – okay, not really, only about 35, and today, just today I realized that I only need 15 more distributors to become an Elite!? Hell that is exciting, yes?

I am a pretty deep thinker at times, and remember asking Jason Domingo what it “felt” like to be a Pro 10. “Patrick, Pro 10 isn’t a feeling, it is an attitude. When we put together the Pro ranks, they were anecdotal to me. I was always a Pro 10; nothing less ever crossed my mind. Patrick, you have been given a gift wrapped in a Lifevantage paper. The question now is what are you going to do with it? ”

Truth is I have been bullshitting and placating using life as an excuse for failing. However, without that part of my journey, I wouldn’t have it to share with you today. So although my bank account would have appreciated this enlightenment earlier, as would the gray hairs on my chiny, chin, chin, Jason shared this with me over a year ago - I feel blessed to be able to not only receive his wisdom now, but to now share it with you is what really matters most..

30 People Will Come…

I ask you, you have been given a gift wrapped in Lifevantage paper. Are you going to share it with as many people as possible until you get to your 30? Or will you quit? Wait 35 years like me? lol
NO! Neither of those are an option.

Take these words of wisdom. They come from pain and loss and are offered in gratitude and love for your success.

We can be whatever we want to be. We can have whatever we want to have. We can live however we want to live. Are you living the life you want? Are you surrounded by everything that makes you happiest in this world?

30 People Will Come…

The MAGIC number is 30. We are looking for 30 people to say YES!

30 People Will Come…

I am on stage right now, thanking all of you for the support given to help my team earn Pro 7. Today I went to Wal-Mart and purchased 30 leaflet binders for my 30 vantage pack distributors. It has already happened, so that means I am behind and need to get my butt in gear!

People will come…People will come…ALLOW them to come…

Making an amazing difference around the world..

p.s. The more we say love, the more we receive LOVE :)

p.s.s Love you all

Monday, September 24, 2012

RED - Speak THEIR language and Increase your business!

RED - Speak THEIR language and Increase your business!

This information comes form "Big Al's" CD, "personality colors"

Today we talk about the 4th of 4 personality types coded in colors.

RED is today’s personality color
RED - Speak THEIR language and Increase your LV business!
This teaching has been around for 2,500 years. Luckily, I stumbled upon it during a search for personality types.

My goal was to figure out how I could communicate my business opportunities to others more effectively.

I know we have great products and services with Lifevantage, but I also knew I wasn’t conveying their value as well as I could…

Connect better with people, speak THEIR language, understand their needs, get more sales.
Pretty basic, yes?

RED - Speak THEIR language and Increase your LV business!On your piece of paper with YELLOW, BLUE, and GREEN write RED in the bottom right quadrant. RED personalities comprise 15% of the population and the most handsome of the 4 personality colors! :)

RED’S Motto: Get out of my WAY!

Occupation: CEO, Attorney, Pilot

Voice: Loud and Fast

TURN OFFS: Indecision, Chit Chat, Losing Control

Say you are talking with someone and they are a RED personality. This person loves the BOTTOM LINE. We are ones who want to know HOW MUCH MONEY CAN I MAKE AND HOW QUICKLY CAN I MAKE IT? That’s it!

RED - Speak THEIR language and Increase your LV business!

We are leaders. We set team goals and trainings up. We are focused on the end result and only the end result. REDS are UNCOACHABLE, unless you can get them to read this. If you have RED, just let them go. Appreciate how many people they will bring on and know you better have a YELLOW ready to train the RED’S people.

RED’S are smothered in ego. We are short tempered and impatient as hell! Just get it done already, is how we think. What is the problem? Why are you still a Pro 1?

REDS are the BEST at being IN CHARGE.
We will sign up everyone and their Mother,
but won’t train a lick UNLESS we read this!

Let’s suppose you are presenting to a RED our LV business opportunity and you start to tell them about the how much fun we can have; or how much help we are going to have. How we get to travel, meet new people and when the time is right. You can help some many people with Lifevantage and Protandim. We have 12 peer-reviewed studies to research, too, RED.

How do you think the RED, whose main goal is life is to MAKE MONEY, how will they respond to this? Here is an example of what I, a RED personality heard:


It sounded just like that.

To get a RED involved in our business, which is 15% of our population and AWESOME at signing up new vantage packs, it needs to sound more like this:

RED - Speak THEIR language and Increase your LV business!

Okay, RED, join my company and you can make millions of dollars, theatrically, in your lifetime. You can be in charge of all our important meetings. By becoming an income partner with us, you will be able to get ahead of the other people in the world and make quick money and buy that Audi A7 you have been window shopping for. Our team needs someone who is driven to give the bottom line; a leader to teach us. By being on our team you will be able to not only make “lifestyle”, you can brag about how much money you are making in Lifevantage with the HUGE checks you will be cashing, theoretically.

Just by talking the REDS language, you increase your sales chance by 50%! Let’s say you meet one person a day for the next 365 days and half of them understand your opportunity because you are talking their language…great odds, yes? Then mix that with the 1 Minute Presentation and we are onto something very special here.

Watch not only your business grow, but your relationships in ALL your life improve when you learn how to speak to someone in their language.

Here is to helping others around the world have more family time…

RED - Speak MY language and Increase your LV business!

p.s. thank you for emailing me a copy of your $10k check RED!

p.s.s please like and share with many

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Create the Life You Want...

If you want more than you have now, create it in your mind and it will manifest itself into your life. Whatever it is that you want, Ask, Believe, Receive.

Ask for what you want
Believe it is on its way
Be open to Receiving it

I have manifested a life from nothing and nowhere to something and somewhere...

Hit play>Ask>Believe>Receive and imagine your life in your most perfect manner...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

GREEN - Speak THEIR language and Increase your LV business!

GREEN - Speak THEIR language and Increase your LV business!


Speak THEIR language and Increase your business!

This information comes form "Big Al's" CD, "personality colors"

Today we talk about the 3rd of 4 personality types coded in colors.


GREEN is today’s personality color





This teaching has been around for 2,500 years. Luckily, I stumbled upon it during a search for personality types.


My goal was to figure out how I could communicate my business opportunities to others more effectively.


I know we have great products and services with Lifevantage, but I also knew I wasn’t conveying their value as well as I could…


Connect better with people, speak THEIR language, understand their needs, get more sales.


Pretty basic, yes?


On your piece if paper with YELLOW and BLUE, write GREEN in the bottom left quadrant.  GREEN personalities comprise 35% of the population!


Blue’s Motto: Let's Get the FACTS and FIGURES!
Occupation: Accountant, Engineer, Researcher

Voice: Soft and Polite


Say you are talking with someone and they are a GREEN personality. This person loves to research and analyze everything. They are the ones who are ready with a peer reviewed published study from Ohio State that has been bind, HD colored, they are in triplicate AND in all languages applicable to our business. They love to research, research and then research. If you need the compensation plan explained in detail, get a GREEEN!

They are the team organizers. They organize our meetings, our folders with EVERY peer review study, the compensation plan and the policies and procedures, again, in triplicate and all languages necessary. The are the best at follow through on projects and are the strongest network marketer out there, IF you can connect this into our business. GREENS DON'T know the work QUIT! They may take 6 months to come aboard after reviewing every fact multiple times, sending all their research out to be researched by other GREENS; but when they come on, they are LOYAL. 

GREENS are much too over analytical and will drive us all crazy with how long they take to make ANY decisions. They are hard to please, can be depressed and lonely often.  


GREENS are the BEST at being a TEAM ORGANIZER.
They are ultra loyal and committed to our business. 


Let’s suppose you are presenting to a GREEN our LV business opportunity and you start to tell them about the how much money they can make; or how much fun they are going to have. How we get to travel, meet new people and when the time is right, they will get to be on stage and share their story. You tell them that the time to join is now because the money is great and we get to help so many other people!

How do you think the GREEN , whose main goal is life is to research, how will they respond to this? Here is an example of what the GREEN personality just heard:



It sounded just like that.

To get a GREEN involved in our business, which is 35%% of our population and AWESOME at building teams and supporting the vision, it needs to sound more like this:

Okay, GREEN, join my company and you can be our main source of research for our products. You can be in charge of organizing our meetings and sharing the compensation plan to the team.  By becoming an income partner with us, you will be able to teach others how to understand the compensation plan, the ingredients in Protandim, SOD, CAT and the policies and procedures. Our team needs someone who is organized; a researcher to teach us. By being on our team you will be able to not only research and teach about the policies of Lifevantage, you can create graphs, charts and share them with the team.

Just by talking the GREEN language, you increase your sales chance by 50%! Let’s say you meet one person a day for the next 365 days and half of them understand your opportunity because you are talking their language…great odds, yes? Then mix that with the 1 Minute Presentation and we are onto something very special here.

Watch not only your business grow, but your relationships in ALL your life improve when you learn how to speak to someone in their language.

Here is to helping others around the world have more family time…


p.s. thank you for the 4 hour detailed compensation plan summary GREEN

p.s.s please like and share with many

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Premier School, Lifevantage

New technology - PROTANDIM - anti-aging naturally by inducing your human pharmacy to reactivate.


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Speak THEIR language and Increase your LV business!

Speak THEIR language and Increase your business!  
My first video with new camera lol I am handsome, you are going to have to BELIEVE me for now :)
This comes form "Big Al's" CD, "personality colors"


Today we talk about 1 of 4 personality types coded in colors. BLUE is today’s color.

This teaching has been around for 2,500 years. Luckily, I stumbled upon it during a search for personality types.

My goal was to figure out how I could communicate my business opportunities to others more effectively.

I know we have great products and services with Lifevantage, but I also knew I wasn’t conveying their value as well as I could…

Connect better with people, speak THEIR language, understand their needs, get more sales.

Pretty basic, yes?

Well, here we go. On a piece of paper, draw a line down the middle, and then draw another line horizontal in the middle.

In the top right quadrant write BLUE.

Blue’s Motto: FUN, FUN, FUN!

Occupation: Sales, Entertainment, Public Speaking

Voice: Loud and Fast

Say you are talking with someone and they are a BLUE personality. This person loves to have fun, fun, fun. They are the ones who are ready to go anywhere, anytime with pretty much anyone. They love to travel and believe that mandated highway signs are only there as suggestions. These people are BLUE and excited about everything and love to party!

They are the best promoters; they bring high, high energy. They love to promote and will do anything that involves a good times.

BLUES talk too much, they are poor at saving, poor at following up, they are unorganized and LOVE to exaggerate. Do you know anyone who is BLUE?

BLUES are the BEST at recruiting others for

our business opportunity and we want them on our team!


Let’s suppose you are presenting to a BLUE our LV business opportunity and you start to tell them about the compensation plan, the policies and procedures; or how much they can help others by selling your products and goods. You tell them you have 3 double blind studies from the moon that grew under Superman’s cape and they need to sign up immediately or they will lose their life and miss out of the great bonus that ends today in 1 minute.

How do you think the BLUE, whose main goal is life is FUN, how will they respond to this? Here is an example of what the BLUE personality just heard:


It sounded just like that.

To get a BLUE, which is 15%% of our population and AWESOME at recruiting and bringing remarkable energy to your teams, it needs to sound more like this:

Okay, BLUE, join my company and we can have a party. You can invite everyone you know, make sure they all invite someone they know, too. We need someone who likes to travel to new, exciting places to do meetings for our team. You can stay in fun, new hotels, while ignoring all the highway signs on your way. By being on our team you will be able to have fun, earn many incentive trips and have fun.

Just by talking the BLUE’S language, you increase your sales chance by 50%! Let’s say you meet one person a day for the next 365 days and half of them understand your opportunity because you are talking their language…great odds, yes?

Watch not only your business grow, but your relationships in ALL your life improve when you learn how to speak to someone in their language.

Here is to so much fun, we won’t be able to stand ourselves!

Making a difference around the world…

p.s. thank you for bringing the beer BLUE

p.s.s please like and share with many