Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The journey…

It isn’t often, hell it is rarer than a reptile with oxidative stress, that I find myself in vibrational confusion.

The journey...I spend more time than humanly possible in a grateful, thankful place in my heart and mind. I know that what we think about we bring about. That the better it gets, the better it gets. At the same time, the worse it gets the worse it gets. For a looooong time, I lived in pain and despair. That pain and despair brought ALL of its friends, loss, fear, concern, confusion, hurt, anger daily into my mind.

The journey…

Recently, a relationship I cared for deeply has been under duress and possibly ending. I think of all that I did, or could have done differently through that journey. Today, the man I am isn’t who I am in a moment; that man only a few moments ago, or yesterday, or a week ago is the compilation of my past thoughts and actions.

Funny how life will do what it can to take our focus off of all our dreams by allowing one of those dreams to go astray, yes? Does this happen to you?

So many times in the past when one important aspect of my life seemed to be “out of my control” I would allow all aspects to go to hell, including and especially Lifevantage.

Today I woke up grateful for that relationship and the beautiful impact it had on my life. I am thankful for the person that allowed me to be a part of their life and all I allowed myself to learn from them. I have all love and gratitude for that relationship and allow it to be whatever it will be. I will stay in line with my dreams, my goals and my life’s plan and know that at times, someone will move out of our lives to allow the right person in.

Relationships are about learning lessons. I learned mine and will use those lessons moving forward in the journey

What I have learned most to be true in all my years, as badly as I would like this to NOT be true, I cannot control others I can only control my reaction to others. Life lessons learned from my journey with Lifevantage. Ever try to get a distributor to do something? Anything? Laugh out loud…me too.

Today, with grace and elegance, I allow myself to love where I am, love where I am going and love where I have been. I love that I have so many great people around me that love me no matter the condition, because their hearts are for the goodness of me without condition or thought to themselves as is mine to them.

The journey..

What I am thinking, or pondering, or considering, or putting my focus on; that which I am giving my attention to is causing an emotional reaction within me and that reaction within me is my vibrational indicator.

I felt sad for a bit, and sad had not been a feeling I have felt in quite some time. But I know that feeling sad will bring more sad feelings to me. In fact, I was missing my boys and that made me sad for a few minutes; so thinking of this, what we think about we bring about. I choose to be happy and full of gratitude for all I have now and all I have coming to me.

Every lesson I allow to understand in my life brings me closer to the grand prize of all my dreams.

Remember we are on The journey...

Will we stumble along the way to our life’s ambitions? We might…it’s okay.

The question is will we allow life and all its walls to distract us, or worse yet, take this gift of life, Lifevantage from us?

Hell no :)
Thanks for reading

Making a difference around the world…
The handsome Patrick Moore

The journey…

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