Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Moore Motivation: Leadership = Influence = Alignment = Momentum

Moore Motivation: Leadership = Influence = Alignment = Momentum: Leadership: an act or instance of leading;guidance;direction     The thing is we can only lead those, influence those, ...

Leadership = Influence = Alignment = Momentum

Leadership: an act or instance of leading;guidance;direction


The thing is we can only lead those, influence those, gain momentum for those, who are on our same pattern of thought.  

We have to decide who it is that we are leading. The thing that goes wrong with so many is that we get to our greatest place mentally, we are ready to lead, we notice they are not there with us mentally, we go to find out where they are and then we end up not leading, right?  We end up where they are.

Often times, we end up frustrated trying to convince someone to be in their mind and heart where we are; that’s not leadership, that’s management and coercion.

Get to your best feeling place, and THEN lead. It’s easier to lead an army of one with the same vision than an army of thousands without that vision.  
 Lead by the CLARITY of your example - Lead by the CLARITY of your momentum.  


LEAD Like a BOSS! 


The Handsome One!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter...

An Easter passage, from the handsome one himself…to you

What a beautiful, amazing, rain filled, serene day. My boys are with their mother today, leaving me to myself on this Easter Holiday. Years ago, when I first became a single Daddy, days like this would torture me to no end – alcohol, pills, fear and sorrow would fill the veins and blood of my body. It is true what is said in life, that which doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger. It seems cliché now, having heard and said the phrase so many times, but it is very much true.  

Rather than pondering the fact that I am alone on another holiday, I am relishing in the beauty of life and what my life is unfolding into. I used to be Motivated By Pain and my right now reality; now, however, now I am inspired by creating my future, one thought at a time.



As I sit here listening to classical music, enjoying a red wine, my imagination is unleashed, peppered with thoughts, real life images and feelings of me, my boys and wife, in a pasture, the boys flying a kite, laughing, happy, alive, free and healthy while my wife and I sit next to each other on a red and white checkered blanket talking about how life has blessed us - how we created today; how we created what we are looking at. We enjoy a sip of wine together as we hear the boys laughing still, enjoying what will certainly be for them, a day and time they will share with their families…

Life is what we want it to be. It is good or bad – the great part is…..we decide every moment what our day will be.
From my heart, my boys and my wife to you, Happy Easter my friends. 

Today is the best day of my life... 


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Making our reality....

“More gold has been mined from the thoughts of men than has been taken from the earth.” - Napoleon Hill

“Unless, as a part timer, you are approaching at least 5-10 prospects a day, you are not serious about succeeding in this business. As a serious part timer, those numbers should increase, and as a full timer, they can enter to 30 or more a day when entering your cold market. Meeting attendance and brochure reading doesn’t count as “real time.” When first launching your business, if your goal is to build an organization, 80 percent of your time should be spent prospecting; all other work is “busy” work until you have achieved a certain level of success. Do not become a professional audience participator! Get out of the bleachers and onto the field.”

This paragraph took me from what I thought I needed to do to succeed with Lifevantage to knowing exactly what I needed to do to succeed with Lifevantage. Unless we are willing to put in the work as described above, we will constantly be “stuck” where we currently are - I have learned it is impossible to build a business on excuses.

I strongly suggest, if long term success is what you desire with Lifevantage, reading this book and applying it all immediately. I wish I had known of it before, perhaps I wasn’t ready to “hear” it until now.

Convention is next month; I will be driving if anyone wants to hitch a ride!

I remember Skip Campbell telling us many years ago, “everything with Life vantage continues to improve BUT the timing … one day, we won’t have a choice, the opportunity will be gone and all we are left with is regret and nothing is worse than living a life of regret and missed opportunities.”

We are the guardians to others…

As always, feel free to contact me…

Saturday, February 9, 2013

3 Presentations A day to freedom...

What’s been working for me real well recently:

I realized that I was using Protandim as my lead and if your people are like mine that becomes a damn mess! So instead, I am just looking for business builders and that’s what I lead with is the business.

I lead with this question: “Do you keep your options open when it comes to making money?” If they say yes, then I ask them when they would have 10 minutes for me to share a business opportunity with them. (Make the appointment then and there!!!) If they say no, I thank them and then carry on to the next yes.


Once I am sitting with someone, I don’t even mention Protandim. Here is what I have found to be true, and maybe you have, too: people get hung up on the supplement and then all hell breaks loose, right? They start asking about the ingredients, where are they grown, is it cold pressed…etc, you know the story. Everyone knows ONE thing about a supplement that makes them feel edified to question us about ours.

So instead, the approach that has been working well for me from the tear off sheet:


1.       Tell them about the companies frightful sells as a “retail company” and then tell them, year by year, how sales how increased substantially as a “human marketing company.” Ask them if they understand and if they do, ask them if they would like to continue. If yes, then…

2.       Here is a business curve, are you familiar? We are here, Pioneering our product and this close to Critical Mass/Exposure Point. 80% of the market share will be captured here in this wave. Do you understand this? Would you like to continue?

3.       FLIP THE PAGE

4.       There are 2 ways to get in: as a Preferred Customer, $40/$70 or as a business owner $700. You will receive 12 bottles of Protandim values at $600 retail, a Truscience $80 retail and $95 in marketing material. As you can see, the company doesn’t make its money here; it makes money when we make money (circle the network of people on the page). You will have a monthly overhead that can be reduced to $40 as your business grows. Does this make sense? Would you like to continue?

5.        At your job, how many ways do you get paid? ONE. With us, we get paid 6 different ways. YOU come on as a business partner, next week I receive a check for $260, cool, huh? My job is to get a ROI immediately. We bring 3 people on for you it is $630 PLUS you still have close to $700 in product.  (I don’t go into too much, just returning their $630) Does this make sense; do you want to hear more?

6.       Here is an ABC Primetime Investigative Report you need to watch immediately. As you can see from our growth/sales curve, time is of the essence.  I will call you tonight to answer questions, what’s the best time?

In 9 days I have presented 18 times, 1 distributor has come on with us and I have 11 coming to a meeting with Tony Krashowetz Tuesday and 8 confirmed for Napa’s Premier School

This business is about MASSIVE URGENCY and for whatever reason, after 3 years of not really doing much, Lifevantage got into me!

Hope this helps J

The handsome one..




Sunday, February 3, 2013

My Written Statement

As many of you know, my son, over a year ago, relapsed. It is my great pleasure, and with a deeeeep breath I say, he is at 100% donor match and coming along better than the doctors could have expected; this means I am back 100%.  

To share me with all of you is an honor – if you are sitting on Lifevantage like I was, get your ass in gear! I allowed life and all of its external circumstances to keep this dream, my GREATEST dream of financial stability away from me. I have been tested, kick, pushed down, ridiculed, lost, scared and left for dead in my life, and quite frankly when my son relapsed, death was in my sights.

I highly encourage you all to print out this workbook and go through it as fast as you can. Do what it tells you and success is yours – PERIOD. Now is the time; right now is the time to change the set of our sails.

Marc Zuckerberg invited 5 people to his dorm room at Harvard to share his dream of Facebook. 2 showed up … those two have a combined wealth of $100 BILLION; $100 BILLION just for believing and allowing themselves to have the faith that it could happen for them too.

Here is my commitment to me:

Concentration and Visualization Of my Written Statement!


By the first day of January, 2013, I will have in my possession, and earning monthly to start, $10,000 from Lifevantage as residual income. I will have earned the rank of Premier Pro 7 and will have multiple Pro 6’s, 5’s, 4’s. I will be facilitating Premiere schools around the Country with great success and traveling the world sharing the blessing that is Lifevantage.

In return for this money and ranking success, I will give the most effective service of which I am capable, rendering the fullest possible quantity and the best possible quality of service in the capacity of salesman for Lifevantage. I will share with every person I can, the special opportunity to own and run your own business with Lifevantage. Timing is the key and of the greatest essence right now.

I believe, with complete and utter faith I have this money in my possession. My faith is so strong that I can now see this money before my eyes. I can touch it with my hands, smell it with my nose and hear it showering over my head like a waterfall with my ears. It is now awaiting transfer to me at this time, and in the proportion that I deliver the service I intend to render in return for it.

I will follow the Proven Plan with 100% conviction in my heart. I will share often, teach more often and love my journey along the way to personal prosperity while created great prosperity for thousands of others.

Patrick Moore