Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Leadership = Influence = Alignment = Momentum

Leadership: an act or instance of leading;guidance;direction


The thing is we can only lead those, influence those, gain momentum for those, who are on our same pattern of thought.  

We have to decide who it is that we are leading. The thing that goes wrong with so many is that we get to our greatest place mentally, we are ready to lead, we notice they are not there with us mentally, we go to find out where they are and then we end up not leading, right?  We end up where they are.

Often times, we end up frustrated trying to convince someone to be in their mind and heart where we are; that’s not leadership, that’s management and coercion.

Get to your best feeling place, and THEN lead. It’s easier to lead an army of one with the same vision than an army of thousands without that vision.  
 Lead by the CLARITY of your example - Lead by the CLARITY of your momentum.  


LEAD Like a BOSS! 


The Handsome One!

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