Some people are never realized in their own life…their dreams were never realized…
I just listened to Tony Robbins tell the story of Rocky. He had a chance to meet with Sylvester Stallone and got the story straight from the “horse’s mouth.” He said that he had heard many different versions, but wanted to hear it from Rocky himself.
Sly knew from an early age that he wanted to be in the movie business. Period. Not just TV, movies. It was a chance to not only have people escape, but also to inspire. His life was full of challenges and roadblocks...sound familiar?
When Sly was born, he was pulled out with the forceps and this is why he talked the way he did and looked the way he does.
He wasn't going to give in to anything; nothing would keep him from his dreams. Trying to be an actor, Sly was thrown out of 1500 agency offices because of how he talked and looked. They called him stupid because of how he spoke; told him he would never amount to anything as an actor and to go get a real job. Any of this sounding familiar?
Sly was so determined, he slept overnight in an agent’s office after not being seen the day before and this is how he got his first acting job. Are we willing to take these measures?
Sly was trying to gain more roles and couldn’t get anything because of his look and how he talked, out of the side of his mouth. At this point, he couldn’t afford to keep the heat on in his home; he was dead broke.
His wife wanted him to get a job and he wouldn’t. “Why wouldn’t you” Tony asked…
At one point, he hawked his wife’s jewelry…he after that realized there is one thing you never do….hawk your wife’s jewelry.I knew if I did I would get seduced back and would lose my hunger. The only way I could do this is if it was my only choice; he had to burn all his bridges. Pretty soon he would be caught with the job and it would have taken away his hunger for the movies…His dream was kept alive by his HUNGER and he felt that was his only advantage.
We took the action with Lifevantage; it is time to deliver
Sylvester Stallone knew his outcome and wouldn’t compromise an inch on it. He was determined to make his dreams a reality…and boy has he.
The cost to produce Rocky was $1 million and it grossed over $20 million - he won best actor.
Know your outcome right now. You took the action to be with Lifevantage, now deliver baby!
The handsome man from Vacaville,
p.s…the dog in Rocky, Butkis, that is Sly’s real dog :)
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