How to 3 Way Call
After 3 years of network marketing, what I have learned to be true is that 99% of us independent distributors are afraid to make a 3 way call.
Of course, since the inception of mlm, 3 way calling has been the lifeblood to success in network marketing. Face to face is the best option as network marketing is a face to face relationship business at its best. However, even though everyone knows this, sharing a business opportunity with people scares the shit out of most all of us.
Why is that?
A quote that really changed my thought direction is this:Unfortunately, we as a society have become more concerned about what others think about us than what we think about ourselves.
First, we don’t know how to 3 way call, so we pick up the phone, dial and then our heart’s race, our palms become sweaty and FEAR is the start of the end. We will procrastinate until 97% quit. I am empathetic to all of you and strongly understand how you feel; believe me!
“It is none of your business what others think about you.”
Next, I will articulate 2 ways to champion this part of your business:
- Create a funnel system, blogging, like I have here with you. It is called Empower Network. Empower allows you to NOT use the phone if you can’t find comfort anywhere in it. Instead of allowing your dreams to be shattered by the uncomfort of contacting people, try this instead for only $25.
Truth is how many of you have sent your opportunity via EMAIL because it was less stressful for you?
Ya, me, too…
Empower is a blogging platform used to advertise to as many people as you like. And with so many folks in mlm and so many afraid that don’t know how to 3 way call, there is a HUGE audience. Rather than 1 person at a time, you can easily funnel hundreds of people to your opportunity through Empowers $25 system.- The 1 minute presentation. Yip, I said it…1 minute presentation. It is a skill I learned from “Big Al” who is an mlm coach and mentor to so many.
- OPEN WITH THIS: “I want to share a business opportunity with you, but it will take me an entire minute. When do you think you could set aside a whole minute?” The prospect is thinking, well hell, right now is good. I am brushing my teeth and can get this over with quick!
- HOW MUCH CAN THEY MAKE: To earn an extra $1400 a month, you need to do the following three things. (I will use my company Lifevantage as the example here)
- DON’T CHANGE! (This is critical!! What do all mentors tell us? Be uncomfortable to find comfort. Challenge your fears. Change, change or die.) Tell them DON’T CHANGE; continue doing what they are doing, promoting, suggesting things they love like a good movie, their favorite restaurant or maybe their favorite football team.
But first thing, DON’T CHANGE. (I know you are already fired up!)
- EXPLAIN YOUR OPPORTUNITY: I work for an anti-aging company. We have less than 70k income partners, 4 patents and multiple studies edifying us as a Superman supplement that fights the relentless damage to our body caused by aging.
- TELL THEM WHAT THEY NEED TO DO: To earn an additional $1400 each month all you need to do is find 2 more people like you interested in earning additional income either part time or full time and 3 customers.
- ASK THEM: Would this type of opportunity work for you?
That’s it!
Quick, easy and painless, yes? This is the skill in:
“How to 3 way call.”
You could quickly and easily go through 10 presentations a day.How hard is it to get someone to listen to your opportunity when it sounds like this?
This is easy, safe and quick!
I hope this adds value to your business and life!
Making a difference around the world…
For more information, please feel free to contact me at:
p.s. if you like this blog, please share it with many
p.s. insert your email here and gain instant access to Empower…
You mak it sound so easy!
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