Monday, September 28, 2015

Moore Motivation: Be the Boss of Your Thoughts!

Moore Motivation: Be the Boss of Your Thoughts!: Beautiful Monday morning to you! Amazing how I am feeling in this moment. I have become, and daily am becoming the Boss of My Own Life and T...

Be the Boss of Your Thoughts!

Beautiful Monday morning to you! Amazing how I am feeling in this moment. I have become, and daily am becoming the Boss of My Own Life and Thoughts!

I have always appreciated as much in my life as possible. Now, of course, I do have moments of "up stream" emotions; when I feel like it's just not going to work out; nothing is working! What am I doing to change any bad feeling into a better feeling? Look for a better feeling thought. It's really that easy. When I feel depressed, I get to a movie theater (movies are my happiness escape!) When I feel anxious, I meditate and eliminate resistance and bad feeling thoughts. What activities, that can take 1 minute, or hours, do you know for a fact put a smile on your beautiful face?

A great example of resistance for me, at times, is believing that I am going to actually touch 1 million hearts. I have been dreaming of this for 15 years! It's taken my 15 years to align with this dream. How can I become, me, Patrick, 9th grade drop-out, ex-everything addict actually have a prosperous motivational speaker career? In moments here and there I think, "that's a lot, brother. You've done this, but on a small level." Here are my thought choices in these moments: I can allow these thoughts to manage me, or I can manage them.  That simple. It's always a choice. My choice is changing my thinking, quickly, from "maybe" to:


I ask you: Why not? Why not me? Why not? Why can't I be the modern day, much better dressed Gandhi? lol Why not me? Why not?

A chapter in my book will be titled, "Discipline your Mind" or something close to this. Why do I KNOW FOR A FACT is I will succeed - It's the very best part of life: I am the creator of my reality. It's really that simple. I AM the Boss of my life AND thoughts.

I ask you: What are your desires, dreams and life ambitions? Are you living your dreams? If not, Why not? Why not you? Why not?

1 Million Hearts

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

1 Million Hearts

Today I have committed to touching a million hearts with my message. I am writing another book, I am not sure yet of the title. The book will be my message as I also become a motivational speaker. I am excited about this journey. I am not sure how this will happen, but my job isn't to find the how, it's to just do. I know that it's done. All my desires are done. My abundance is done. My life is beautiful, complete and I am so happy. I have traveled many lifetimes, many miles to be in the right now, right here, in this moment, with you. I will look back and know that this moment, this day was the start of something beautiful. I will reflect back on this first blog post and have such appreciation for the man I have become.

Where are you? Here 
What time is it? Now 
What are you? This Moment