Sunday, October 11, 2015

Moore Motivation: Beautiful Sunday

Moore Motivation: Beautiful Sunday: "When we quit thinking primary of ourselves and our own self-preservation, we undergo a truly heroic transformation of consciousness...

Beautiful Sunday

"When we quit thinking primary of ourselves and our own self-preservation, we undergo a truly heroic transformation of consciousness."

Friday, October 9, 2015


I have been in the coaching business for 17 years. I have had the honor of working with, influencing, loving, sometimes crying with and supporting over 15k people as either a personal trainer, manager, consultant or coach. I have been blessed to be in a field that allows me to fully give myself to a myriad of diverse people, personalities, needs and wants, successfully. I am forever thankful for the years, the beautiful, kind, smart, thoughtful, likeminded people I have met on my journey.

Now, as my journey continues, I introduce a strong passion to my new career as a Certified Life Coach! As I look back on my years, I see I have always been a life coach. A fitness expert is much more than a rep counter. We are friends, fitness experts and therapists. Sometimes we are babysitters, janitors, writers and journalists. So really, I guess, I have been a Life Coach this entire time.

My heart, my life purpose, outside of being an amazing father, is in creating emotional, physical and spiritual constancy for others. Until 17 years ago, my journey had been peppered with trouble, jail, drug, alcohol addiction and more that has brought me to this special moment, right now, with all of you; ready to create more beautiful moments together.

I am extending for 3 people, complimentary, 3, 30 minutes coaching classes with me. We are going to incorporate mental, spiritual and the physical aspects of your journey. It is my intention to ensure we, together, create an optimistic plan, accommodated to your lifestyle, needs and wants, which will give you the best chances for long-term success. 

If you are interested, there is a qualifier:

1. 1. Be open – "The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it is open."


Published Author
11 National Fitness Certifications
Certified Life Coach
Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner
Studying NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)Practitioner and Master Practitioner
Studying Motivational Speaking

Monday, September 28, 2015

Moore Motivation: Be the Boss of Your Thoughts!

Moore Motivation: Be the Boss of Your Thoughts!: Beautiful Monday morning to you! Amazing how I am feeling in this moment. I have become, and daily am becoming the Boss of My Own Life and T...

Be the Boss of Your Thoughts!

Beautiful Monday morning to you! Amazing how I am feeling in this moment. I have become, and daily am becoming the Boss of My Own Life and Thoughts!

I have always appreciated as much in my life as possible. Now, of course, I do have moments of "up stream" emotions; when I feel like it's just not going to work out; nothing is working! What am I doing to change any bad feeling into a better feeling? Look for a better feeling thought. It's really that easy. When I feel depressed, I get to a movie theater (movies are my happiness escape!) When I feel anxious, I meditate and eliminate resistance and bad feeling thoughts. What activities, that can take 1 minute, or hours, do you know for a fact put a smile on your beautiful face?

A great example of resistance for me, at times, is believing that I am going to actually touch 1 million hearts. I have been dreaming of this for 15 years! It's taken my 15 years to align with this dream. How can I become, me, Patrick, 9th grade drop-out, ex-everything addict actually have a prosperous motivational speaker career? In moments here and there I think, "that's a lot, brother. You've done this, but on a small level." Here are my thought choices in these moments: I can allow these thoughts to manage me, or I can manage them.  That simple. It's always a choice. My choice is changing my thinking, quickly, from "maybe" to:


I ask you: Why not? Why not me? Why not? Why can't I be the modern day, much better dressed Gandhi? lol Why not me? Why not?

A chapter in my book will be titled, "Discipline your Mind" or something close to this. Why do I KNOW FOR A FACT is I will succeed - It's the very best part of life: I am the creator of my reality. It's really that simple. I AM the Boss of my life AND thoughts.

I ask you: What are your desires, dreams and life ambitions? Are you living your dreams? If not, Why not? Why not you? Why not?

1 Million Hearts

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

1 Million Hearts

Today I have committed to touching a million hearts with my message. I am writing another book, I am not sure yet of the title. The book will be my message as I also become a motivational speaker. I am excited about this journey. I am not sure how this will happen, but my job isn't to find the how, it's to just do. I know that it's done. All my desires are done. My abundance is done. My life is beautiful, complete and I am so happy. I have traveled many lifetimes, many miles to be in the right now, right here, in this moment, with you. I will look back and know that this moment, this day was the start of something beautiful. I will reflect back on this first blog post and have such appreciation for the man I have become.

Where are you? Here 
What time is it? Now 
What are you? This Moment