An Easter passage, from the handsome one himself…to you
What a beautiful, amazing, rain filled, serene day. My
boys are with their mother today, leaving me to myself on this Easter Holiday.
Years ago, when I first became a single Daddy, days like this would torture me
to no end – alcohol, pills, fear and sorrow would fill the veins and blood of
my body. It is true what is said in life, that which doesn’t kill us only makes
us stronger. It seems cliché now, having heard and said the phrase so many
times, but it is very much true.
Rather than pondering the fact that I am alone on another
holiday, I am relishing in the beauty of life and what my life is unfolding
into. I used to be Motivated By Pain and my right now reality; now, however, now I am inspired by creating my future,
one thought at a time.

Life is what we want it to be. It is good or bad – the great
part is…..we decide every moment what our day will be.
From my heart, my boys and my wife to you, Happy Easter
my friends.
Today is the best day of my life...