Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tony Robbins: Why We Do What We Do, And How We Can Do It Better

Tony Robbins discusses the "invisible forces" that motivate everyone's actions -- and high-fives Al Gore in the front row.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Coca-Cola Happiness Truck

A Coca-Cola delivery truck is converted into a happiness machine on wheels delivering "doses" of happiness in the streets of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Where will happiness strike next?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Daniel Pink On The Surprising Science Of Motivation

Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don't: Traditional rewards aren't always as effective as we think. Listen for illuminating stories -- and maybe, a way forward.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Excerpt From Preface Of Motivated By Pain Book

. . .All of my behaviors - the alcohol, steroids, avoiding my boys - were motivated by the desire to avoid any more pain. I just couldn’t take it anymore. I couldn’t do it. I was devastated by the loss of my family and couldn’t - hell, didn’t - know how to cope.
This book started when I decided to write a letter to my boys to help them understand that Daddy’s recent behavior was not conducive to being a successful person, nor was it evidence of his true behavior. I wanted them to learn from my countless mistakes so they NEVER have to endure the pain of losing a spouse. I want them to know I am a good man. I just didn’t manage myself well when times went terribly bad.
From the stress, to the ego being crushed, to the “friend,” it all precluded my demise. The more I wrote, the more I started to feel alive, liberated, and in control. After three years, I finally started to feel like me again.
Then I thought, “I can be the average guy who doesn’t just accept the butt-kicking that life had just handed me and turn this immense loss into a much greater victory.” What if my life’s destiny, my responsibility to mankind, is summoning the courage to share my story with millions of men and women? This may be a story we all share in one time or another. So here it is.
My hope is that this book will make you laugh, it will make you think, and it will bring a tear to your eye. But most of all, my hope is that you gain one thing to take away that can help you with your relationship today.
Here is my first request: Grab your cell phone and randomly send your partner an “I am thinking of you right now” text. This is how our journey begins. . .

Monday, April 25, 2011

Stephen Covey Video on Choosing Success

"7 Habits of Highly Effective People" author Stephen Covey on the role choice has in managing change and accomplishing what we want. Leadership Training Videos:

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Bob Marley - Don't Worry Be Happy

Bobby Mcferrin - Don't worry Be happy
From the album 'salute to the 1980s'
Enjoy :D

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Stress Relief Tips and Exercises - How To Relieve Stress

Ever notice your neck and shoulders hurt after a stressful day? You're probably holding a lot of tension in those muscles. Here are some stress relief tips and exercises for your body after a rough day, from family and lifestyle correspondent Ylonda Caviness.

Stress relief tips and exercises - How to relieve stress

Stress not only makes you feel lousy and ill-tempered, it can literally be a killer. It's important to find outlets for stress relief and identify its sources as well.

* First, you must recognize that you are stressed. It's more than likely just you and not everyone around you who is stressed as that moment.

* To relieve stress, you need to identify the source of it. Often just your day-to-day tasks can cause a great deal of stress.

* Exercises you can do almost anywhere for stress relief:
1. If you are in your car rushing to get somewhere and trying to beat a light, simply stop and let the light catch you. Take deep breaths while sitting at the light and tell yourself "The tension is flowing out of my body."

2. You can also simply shrug your shoulders and hold it for 4-5 seconds. A lot of tension is held in your shoulders.

3. Listening to music can help relieve stress. Put on some silly music that will allow you to have fun and lighten up.

4. Laughter is the best prescription for stress relief - even try to laugh at yourself.

* Recognize that its not just you who is stressed out—everyone goes through stressful situations.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Coca-Cola Happiness Machine

A Coca-Cola vending machine is transformed into a happiness machine delivering "doses" of happiness. Where will happiness strike next?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Choice - We Have The Power


The most powerful word in the human vocabulary is choice.
We have the power to choose anything in life.

Victor Frankl, a renowned Austrian Psychologist and the long-time prisoner in bestial concentration camps wrote a phenomenal book titled, “Man’s Search for Meaning.” In this book, Dr. Frankl speaks to the last of the human freedoms, our power to choose our response in any given situation. As he went through the torture of the prison camp, he envisioned lecturing to his college students. He says it is the last of the human freedoms, "our power to choose."

"As I am writing this book, I am learning that all I want to do with it is help someone to avoid the loss of their family. That love, that connection, so precious and rare, we MUST do whatever we must before it is too late. You don’t want to be in my place. And if you have been, you certainly don’t need to be back there again."

We have the power to own our part
We have the power to choose NOT  to be victims
We have the power to choose different, better

Monday, April 18, 2011

Welcome To My New Blog

Thank you for stopping by. This is my new blog. I hope to provide valuable and interesting things to share. I hope you will come again.